Tag Archives: fiction book reviews

No spoilers. It’s important. If you review without spoiling, thank you.

Just posted this on Facebook because I’m fed up:

Just read my second review of This Plague of Days that contains a spoiler or a strong hint of a spoiler. A movie reviewer ruined Jacob’s Ladder for me the same way.

So, in summary, WTF is WRONG with people?!

I’m going back in the cave because obviously I’ve come out too early to deal with this BS.

Thank you to all the kind reviewers who can express themselves without resorting to spoiling the reading experience for others. I truly appreciate each and every one of you.

(It’s been a tough week on the personal side, folks, so excuse my angst. What’s that about? Here’s what that’s about.) You know…I think I’m past the weeping stage and I’ve found my anger at The Way of Things again. So there’s that.