Category Archives: The Haunting Lessons

This Plague of Days versus The Haunting Lessons

This Plague of Days is a sprawling epic with zombies and vampires versus the world’s most unlikely champion. Jaimie is an autistic boy out to save the human race, even though he’s a selective mute and civilization is falling apart.

The Haunting Lessons is about an unlikely champion, too, but just because it’s the end of the world doesn’t mean we can’t laugh a lot. Tamara Smythe is a young woman from Iowa who planned a nice cozy life for herself and her boyfriend. Then, when tragedy strikes, she discovers she can see ghosts. But the ghosts aren’t the problem. The demons are.

In this very Buffy take on Armageddon, Tamara joins the Choir Invisible to try to save the human race from an invasion from another dimension. Complications ensue and swordplay is only part of the action.

The Haunting Lessons is the first in what promises to be a long-running urban fantasy series. It’s available now.

At the end of April, Book Two is already teed up: The End of the World As I Know It is ready for pre-order now.

If you liked This Plague of Days, but you’re looking for something with a lighter tone that’s heavy on the action, you’re going to love this series!

Click the covers below to get join the Choir Invisible and begin your new adventures. 


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The new cover to The Haunting Lessons is haunting.


If you liked This Plague of Days, you might like this!

Following a terrible tragedy, Tamara Smythe, a girl from Iowa discovers their are phantasms everywhere, watching us and waiting. But ghosts aren’t enemy. The Unseen is much bigger and more dangerous than Tamara imagined. Click it to get it!

This Plague of Days: Something happened (plus new stuff you need to see)

This Plague of Days OMNIBUS (Large)

Hi everybody! I got this letter today:

Congratulations! Your e-book, This Plague of Days, Omnibus Edition was awarded an Honorable Mention for Writer’s Digest’s Self-Published e-Book Awards in Genre.

So there’s that. But, you’ve probably already read TPOD.

No worries. I’ve got you covered.

If you liked This Plague of Days, you might even love this. I have a new book that’s the beginning of a series and, though it’s a fast and fun dark fantasy, there are elements of it that remind me of This Plague of Days. There’s horror here, but the tone is surprising and quirky.

The Haunting Lessons is about a girl from Iowa who has the perfect life planned out. When tragedy strikes, her world is upended and she discovers she has capabilities she never suspected. The world is a far more dangerous place than she imagined and now she’s thrown into a secret war in the Secret City of the Unseen: New York City. Expect swordplay, jokes, holy gunfire and instructions on how to survive the coming Armageddon.

Click it to get it now!

Click it to get it now!

And while you’re at it, check out my coauthor’s novella. My friend Holly Pop had a real experience that will freak you out. She and a couple of friends messed around with a Ouija board. Read this story and you’ll need a night-light to fall asleep. It’s creepy and compelling and worrying and a necessary read: to pick it up, click the cover image below.

It's been in the Top 100 Kindle Short Reads list since its release!

It’s been in the Top 100 Kindle Short Reads list since its release!

More developments, as they happen, reported here. Film at 11. Merry Christmas!

~ Chazz


Have you picked up the TPOD Omnibus to get a free book yet?

Several times a day, new readers get a free book because they read This Plague of Days, Omnibus Edition.

I’m still offering the Omnibus (that’s three full novels of the complete trilogy) listed at the low price of just $4.99.

To claim the free book, readers go to a secret YouTube link at the back of the book, answer a simple question and send me an email address. I haven’t asked anyone to sign up for a newsletter or anything. Readers get the new book delivered to them immediately via Amazon. Easy-peasy.

But you know what the best part of the giveaway is?

Hearing directly from happy readers! I need reviews of my books, of course, but it’s also been truly wonderful and educational. It’s wonderful to hear how readers engaged with a mystery that is sifted through the story. I’ve got so much feedback now that I can say with confidence that the plot worked effectively the way I hoped it would. It’s also educational in that, with a little pull and a push, I’ve hearing from a lot of readers who wouldn’t ordinarily leave a review. (Again, I need those happy reviews and encourage them but the comments I’m getting are fun, too.)

It’s also fun to reward new readers with something unexpected, both in the major plot twist of This Plague of Days and in my latest thriller, Intense Violence, Bizarre Themes. (There are only three reviews of that one as I write this, but they are three of my favorite reviews of all time! Check them out here.)

I hope new readers will dig what I’m doing with my books and, heads up, if you liked This Plague of Days, you’re going to love my next book.

The truth is, I had a time travel book in the editorial pipeline, but, to be honest, it’s not ready for primetime yet. The time travel novel is a very complicated story and I can’t let anything come farther down the editorial pipe until I’m satisfied with it. It’s on hold for now until I can rework it. So let me tell you something about my next book, The Haunting Lessons.

A publisher approached me about contributing to an anthology. I was interested, but I wasn’t sure about the subject matter. It had a supernatural theme that I did not groove on. Still, it kept me awake nights in much the same way This Plague of Days did. How could I take the familiar and give it a nipple twist to make it work? I never want to do the expected. When I figured it out, I couldn’t wait to get the first draft down. 

This one is a lot of fun. It has a strong female protagonist with a quirky sense of humor. Here’s the deal:

The Haunting Lessons is about a girl from Iowa named Tamara Smythe. After a shocking and tragic accident, she discovers she has acquired supernatural powers. She reveals the truth which, of course, lands her in a mental hospital. Not for long. Soon she moves to New York to begin a new, better life and to forget the past. Instead, she runs straight into a supernatural war.

The hook is ghosts. The twist is demons. The Haunting Lessons is a heartfelt and funny training manual for any who would join the fight to save the future for humanity. Forget winter. Armageddon is coming and it’s Hell hot.

This one is shorter and has a faster pace than This Plague of Days. I love TPOD, of course. Remember, I don’t let anything out of the bunker unless I love it. But the jokes and action in The Haunting Lessons come faster and are packed tighter. This Plague of Days was, in part, an homage to Stephen King’s The StandI don’t know what to compare The Haunting Lessons to, though there is a tiny influence of Harry Potter and not a little Hunger Games in there, I suppose. But with more jokes. And swords. Lots of swords! This is apocalyptic fiction with a paranormal twist that takes the story in a fun and funny direction (with just enough tragedy to make it matter.)

You’re really going to like Tamara Smythe. I’m hoping to have it ready in time for Christmas.

In the meantime, be sure to finish the Omnibus before New Year’s Eve when the offer of the gift of Intense Violence, Bizarre Themes runs its course. (Sorry, can’t give a novel away free forever!)