Tag Archives: Scifi

Apocalyptic Epics to Devour

There’s a good chance you found my books by reading This Plague of Days, the trilogy that brought you zombies, vampires and humans versus humans. (Can’t forget the mute boy on the spectrum who is our one chance at survival of the human species!) But that’s not all I have for you!

I basically write in two genres: apocalyptic fiction and killer crime thrillers.

Did you know I have another zombie trilogy? It’s called AFTER Life.

The story begins in a lab in downtown Toronto. Nanotechnology delivered what was supposed to be a medical miracle. Weapons manufacturers have turned what could be a boon to all humans into a deadly parasite that turns normal people into rampaging killers.

SWAT officer Daniel Harmon’s job is to secure the lab. Dr. Chloe Robinson is the one woman who might be able to stop the zombie invasion of the United States. The action is fast and the twists come at the speed of your brain on speed.

This series is fiction that is rooted in near-reality that may not be far off. If you enjoyed This Plague of Days, give AFTER Life a try!


Robert Chazz Chute

Learn about all my books at my author site: AllThatChazz.com.

This universal link will take you to your country’s Amazon store and my books: author.to/RobertChazzChute

This Plague of Days Omnibus Edition: The Trilogy is #Free on Amazon today

This Plague of Days OMNIBUS (Large)


Hi, TPOD readers! As I write this, the TPOD Omnibus is #1 in free Science Fiction on Amazon.

I haven’t posted here in a while. I’ve been very busy getting the next book ready and fighting a sleep disorder that’s really been kicking my ass. My brain is a little too busy at night for me to be healthy during the day. However, I got some help and today is the first day in a long time where I don’t feel terrible as soon as I get out of bed.

I had planned a time travel novel for Christmas. However, I’ve decided not to release that one until 2015. I need more time with it to get it right. I’m not happy with it yet and I never put out any book I’m unhappy with.

Fortunately, I have another book coming down the pipe that I am ecstatic about. I hope to have a new fantasy thriller ready in time for Christmas. 

I mention it because, if you liked TPOD, you might like the next one even more.

It’s shorter, has a faster pace and ventures into Buffy the Vampire Slayer territory. I loved that series and I wanted to do something along those lines mixed with some Harry Potter elements. It’s not a knock off of anything, though. I don’t believe in that. In all my books, I strive to do something different with the story elements. Whatever genre I write, I strive to take it in unexpected directions.

The next one is an urban fantasy featuring Tamara Smythe, a protagonist with a tragic past. She’s funny and charming and, to her surprise, dangerous. The heroine is from Iowa and, after her first romance takes an unfortunate turn, she’s a fish out of water in New York City. Expect ghosts, secret societies, hidden fortresses and, of course, Niceness versus Evil. To paraphrase Roadhouse, Tamara will be nice until it’s time not to be nice.

I’ll post more when I’m closer to publication. I’m working with a new co-author on this one. More on that later, too.

In the meantime, the TPOD Omnibus is free today.

If you haven’t picked up a copy already (Oh! Horrors!), go pick it up for free. If you’ve already got it, the ebook would make a fine Christmas gift for your mom, if she isn’t put off by a little gore and likes post-apocalyptic plague stories with a fun and thoughtful autistic twist.