Tag Archives: book promotions

This Plague of Days 2020

TPOD1 on sale today for just 99ยข!

New year, new cover and lots more in the works! Yes, 2020 is going to be a challenging year. Between scary news from North Korea, worrying developments in the Middle East and political strife in the US and the UK, there’s a lot of take in and deal with. When you need a respite from all that, there’s fiction. This Plague of Days was my first big success as an author and continues to be my big seller. That’s why I’m excited to say I am working on This Plague of Days: Dungarvan.

(In the works, grinding through the neural gears.)

But what to read while you wait?

I’m happy to say I’m participating in two book promotions this month with authors of a similar bent. For readers like you, this may be the New Year’s treat you’ve been searching for.

Check out the Dystopian Book Fair here.

And here, have a peek at all the books in Here Comes the Apocalypse!

Lots to read, lots to enjoy. When I’m stressed, I retreat into fiction. Books are therapy. When in doubt, pull a book over your head.